As his wife Alba looks on at right, Jafet Solis works with a horse at his brother Juan's home in Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. Jafet and his brother Juan work at one of the beef processing plants here in town, where the work is very labor intensive and dangerous.

Juan Solis works with a horse at his home in Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. Juan and his brother Jafet work at one of the beef processing plants here in town, where the work is very labor intensive and dangerous.

Juan Solis works with a horse at his home in Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. Juan works at one of the beef plants here in town, where the work is very labor intensive and dangerous.

Juan Solis his wife Queta at their home in Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. Juan and his brother Jafet work at one of the beef processing plants here in town, where the work is very labor intensive and dangerous.

Jafet Solis (left) works on an electrical problem with his brother's truck as his wife Alba (center) and sister in-law Queta (right) stands near at his home in Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. Both Jafet and his brother Juan work at one of the local beef processing plants in town.

Steve Solis plays at his home in Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. His father Juan works at one of the beef processing plants here in town, where the work is very labor intensive and dangerous.

A scene along Fulton Street in Garden City, Kansas, November 10, 2003.
A scene along Fulton Street in Garden City, Kansas, November 10, 2003.

Socorro Franco cleans up after the lunch crowd has gone, at Garden City High School in Garden City, Kansas, November 10, 2003.

Storm Lake High School Tornados varsity football player George Romualdo sits during the team prayer, prior to the Tornados' hosting of Spirit Lake High School in Storm Lake, Iowa, October 24, 2003.

Storm Lake High School varsity cheerleader Cindy Hernandez, 16, (left) cheers with Abby Diehl, 16, and the rest of the squad as their varsity football team, the Tornados, host Spirit Lake High School in Storm Lake, Iowa, October 24, 2003.

Storm Lake High School Tornados varsity football player George Romualdo shouts out on the sideline as the Tornados host Spirit Lake High School in Storm Lake, Iowa, October 24, 2003.

Garden City Mayor Reynaldo R. Mesa takes time for a portrait in downtown Garden City, Kansas, November 11, 2003.

Freshman Representative Steve King (R-IA) takes time for a portrait outside his office on Lake St. in downtown Storm Lake, Iowa, October 23, 2003.

Freshman Representative Steve King (R-IA) buys fund-raising chocolate candy bars from Mike Hansen,11, (left) Dillon Reyes, 7, (second from left) and Jordan Dansby,11, (third from left) across from his office on Lake St. in downtown Storm Lake, Iowa, October 23, 2003.

Children line up for recess at Prairie Elementary School in Worthington, Minnesota, October 29, 2003.

Prairie Elementary School kindergarten-ESL teacher Sue Hagen works with student Mayra Lopez, 6, in Worthington, Minnesota, October 31, 2003.

Garden City High School seniors spend time with their kids at the Garden City High School Child Care Center in Garden City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. The child care center is owned by the high school and is staffed by students and non-students, and is a place where a teen parent can drop off her child for the day while being in class, knowing the child is safe.

Father Carlos Garcia Pena says good-bye to members of his congregation following a mass in Spanish, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Garden City, Kansas, November 16, 2003. The church has mass four times on Sunday two in English and two in Spanish.

Father Carlos Garcia Pena (left) baptizes Adamaris Alvirez, 5, as she is held by her Godparents Castulo Lucero and Olga Lucero, as her mother Leticia Alvirez passes by at far left, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Garden City, Kansas, November 16, 2003.

Janettah Steinmetz folds bed sheets at the Super 8 Motel on the outskirts of Garden City, Kansas, November 16, 2003.

Hay bales in Storm Lake, Iowa, October 23, 2003.
Hay bales in Storm Lake, Iowa, October 23, 2003.

Street scenes in downtown Dodge City, Kansas, November 11, 2003. The American West tv drama series Gunsmoke takes place in and around Dodge City.

Christian Corona, 9, carries the ball as he and friends play touch football in Schuyler, Nebraska, October 27, 2003.

Gilberto Polanco, with Mariachi Nuevo Uclatlan, walks with his instrument as the crowd waits for Teresa Kerry to appear during a rally in the Latino community, for her husband and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), in Los Angeles, California, February 25, 2004.

American flags are passed out as a crowd waits for Teresa Kerry to appear during a rally in the Latino community, for her husband and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) in Los Angeles, California, February 25, 2004.

With the grain elevators in the background Mede Perez, 11, rides his bike in downtown Garden City, Kansas, November 10, 2003.
El Norte: The Americans
Photography by Rod Lamkey Jr.
On the outskirts of Garden City, Kansas, along the smooth two-lane road, past the silos and the grazing cattle, a few semi trucks are parked in the dusty gravel lot below the tall, yellow Super 8 sign. Inside it’s warmth is welcome from the November chill and Janettah Steinmetz is folding bedsheets in the dining area where it’s quiet now. On a wall is a map of the United States with pins poked in where guests have marked their origins and travels. Plastic flowers and utensils are on the counter neatly placed near the orange juice machine and coffee maker. Janetta has a few duties here at the Super 8 motel, she’s on the phone booking rooms and keeping the reception area nice orderly in her light blue company-issued shirt and tie. With the sheets neatly folded on the table, Janettah pauses for a moment, standing still, holding a bed sheet, and stares out past the glass door and into the dirt lot outside.
Not far into town, following a mass in Spanish, Father Carlos Garcia Pena is baptizing five-year old Adamaris Alvirez in the chapel of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, held by her parents in her white dress, the cool water cascading down her hair and face, the statute or Mary on the wall behind them. Father Pena hugs everyone as they leave his church in this small, sleepy town.
Garden City Mayor Reynaldo Mesa is spending time with the children of immigrants in an ESL class at Edith Scheuerman Elementary School and reads a book as they sit on the floor and hang on his every word. Mayor Mesa is rooted here, his family moved from Mexico years ago and this is home, this little town in the lower left-hand corner of the Jayhawk State.
About 40 miles east along US route 400 is Dodge City, home to the Western tv series Gunsmoke and Boot Hill, where Juan Solis and his brother Jafet work the horses on their farm at the edge of town. Both men also work at one of the local meat processing plants in this land of cattle and Western lore. In every direction one sees fields of crops or cattle, and people working them, many are Latino. The land they farm and live on was in 1847 Mexican territory, now Dodge City is covered with pavement, chain restaurants and strip malls. A mere shadow of it’s Wild West past.
These are just a few of the countless untold stories of immigrants from all over Latin America: they’re politicians, professional athletes, musicians, chefs, professors, bankers and janitors. Some like Janettah and Garden City Mayor Reynaldo Mesa are born here, others like the Solis brothers emigrated here, and some even still are living undocumented and hoping for a better life under the glow of the lamp of the Stature of Liberty.
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